Community Homes are one part of an array of services provided by CARC. The programs provided are designed to ensure that people with developmental disabilities receive the best and most appropriate services to help each develop to their fullest potential.
We believe that the people we serve have the right to live, to learn, to work, and to esteem themselves to become whatever they envision themselves to be.
CARC has six (6) community homes that provide for six individuals each. The purpose of the community home is to provide a place of residence for citizens with developmental disabilities, in which they can live in a family setting, go forth to learn appropriate vocational skills and ultimately to participate in their community as independent citizens. To this end, residents live in the least restrictive environment possible under a responsible program. They have substantial medical, dental, vocational/educational and recreational resources to meet their appropriate needs. The residents have the right to privacy, confidentiality, and legality and to learn skills necessary to ensure their independence in the community or to achieve the maximum level of their independence. Skills appropriate for daily living, as well as skills like proper hygiene and grooming are emphasized to enhance pride and self-esteem in the individual.
Residents also learn skills in handling money. Principles of normalization are accepted and implemented in such a way as to decrease dependency and to foster independence.
The goal of CARC Community Homes is to fulfill these needs and to protect rights through programs designed and implemented to ensure the fullest possible development in the least rest, and/or delay of institutionalization.
The six community homes were designed to help individuals acquire skills to function in a home setting and provides: